WHY do you like bakugon?! its a ball that opens up, whats cool about that? >.>
Vintage tins are collector items. Ebay would have a good selection to choose from as there are many people who are interested in selling these items for profit. There is also online retailers that sell vintage tins, such as antiquemistique.
In the Shonen Jump magazine and the 2010 Collector's Tins (Red Nova Dragon).
1st series shiny Bella, unless you count special card that can only be retrieved in collector's tins and at special occasions
the Egyptian god cards are sold in collector's tins. The 3 lord cards: Raviel the Lord of Phantasms, Uria the Lord of Searing Flames, and Hamon the Lord of Striking Thunder are in the Shadow of Infinity booster pack
Tuna, salmon, sardines, and mackerel are all available in tins. But the generic name for fish sold that way is cannedfish.
A collective noun for tins is a case of tins.
It is obvious! the name is a thing you call shoe collector!
Tin is a chemical element with the symbol Sn. The Latin name of Tin is Stannum