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It is a constellation of four main stars visible in the skies of the Southern Hemisphere. It is roughly in the shape of an upside down cross made up of the stars Alpha Crucis Beta Crucis Delta Crucis Gamma Crucis. Two stars - Alpha and Bete Centauri - are called the pointers and do just that...point to the cross' position in the sky. All are very beautiful. The constellation rotates around the South Celestial Pole during the year.

It is the name of a constellation. It is in the southern sky and can't be seen from people that live relatively far north (for example, in the United States or Europe), since it is always below the horizon. Its four brightest stars have the shape of a kite or cross.

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6y ago
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3mo ago

The Southern Cross is a constellation that is often used as a symbol of navigation and exploration in the southern hemisphere. It is also commonly associated with the countries in the southern hemisphere, particularly in Australia, New Zealand, and Brazil, appearing on their flags and national emblems. Additionally, the Southern Cross has historical and cultural significance to Indigenous peoples in Australia and other southern regions.

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15y ago

Cross is made up of four bright stars, Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Delta Crucis. Though Delta Crucis does not appear to have a proper name, its three brighter companions do: they are known as Acrux, Becrux and Gacrux, respectively.

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11y ago

Not sure what you mean... The name of the group of stars would also be the "Southern Cross".

Edit: I think this question may refer to a famous star cluster called

the "Jewel Box".

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12y ago

When you see the Southern Cross for the first time, you understand now why you came this way. (With apologies to CS&N.)

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16y ago


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