Oil is Venezuela's most valuable export. The country has one of the largest oil reserves in the world and oil exports make up a significant portion of its government revenue.
The growth of cash crop agriculture in Kenya led to economic development and increased exports, contributing to the country's GDP. However, it also resulted in environmental degradation, loss of traditional farming practices, and increased socioeconomic inequalities among farmers.
In the 1700s, some of the most important items traded in Maryland included tobacco, fur, and indigo. Tobacco was the primary cash crop and accounted for a significant portion of Maryland's economy. Fur from animals like beavers was also valuable for the fur trade. Indigo, used for dyeing textiles, was another important commodity traded in Maryland during this time.
Hearing is the most valuable sense to a dolphin, as they use echolocation to navigate, communicate, and locate prey in the ocean.
Venezuela's most valuable resource is oil.
Spain's most valuable cash crop is citrus fruit, predominately oranges.
Coffee is Colombia's most important cash crop.
The second most valuable crop is canola. The third is barley.
Colonial America's Most Important Cash Crop Was.....Cotton.
Rice was the most profitable cash crop.
it is actually counted as both. it depends on where you are. it is considered a cash crop in Nebraska. it is there most grew crop there. any where else it is a food crop.
Virginia's most know and valuable crop is Tabacoo:)
The blueberry.