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In The Bible story of Ruth Naomi goes to a new country with her husband and sons. The sons get married to girls from that land . Later her husband and her sons die, Noami then tells her daughters in law to go on with their lives . But as one daughter leaves tearfuly Ruth stays steadfast and remains with Naomi. Ruth later marries Boaz , And from Ruths lineage we have Jesus.

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15y ago
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13y ago

The story of Ruth is the basic story of the whole Bible.


The phrase Kinsman Redeemer is used several times in Ruth.

Jesus became the Redeemer of the world when He paid our debt of sin. A debt that we couldn't pay, and one that He didn't owe.

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12y ago

The Moral of the story of Ruth is that God honours all those who acknowledge Him as LORD and choose to follow Him, leaving behind their traditions and God turns every hopeless situation into good for those whom He loves.If you humble yourself and exalt God in your life, You will dwell in His glory. God choose to include Ruth in the geneology of His promised Saviour, for whom the creation was waiting....What an honour!

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10y ago


In the time of the Judges and a famine in the land, Elimelech takes his wife Naomi and his sons Mahlon and Chilion from Bethlehem to the land of Moab. There he died, and Naomi was left with her two sons, who marry two local women, Orpah and Ruth. The sons both die, and Ruth returns with Naomi to Bethlehem, marries Boaz and has a son called Obed.

Verse 1:1 places its authorship long after the story is set, simply because it informs the reader that the events occurred in the days when judges ruled. In their own time, Naomi and Ruth would have been women of no particular interest to others, so there would be very little chance of anyone recording and passing down any of their life story, let alone the rich detail that is actually in the book. It is either pure legend or a literary creation.

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9y ago

1) A number of verses in ch.1 take place in Moab (1:2-6). 2) A number of verses in ch.1 take place on the route from Moab to Judah (1:7-18).

3) The remainder of the Book of Ruth takes place in Beit Lechem of Judah, which is a short distance south of Jerusalem.

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9y ago

The book of Ruth starts in Bethlehem Judah then goes to Moab and winds up back in Bethlehem

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You can find the story of Naomi and Ruth in the Book of Ruth, in the old testament.

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What happened to bernard madoff's wife?

I surely do not know at all of what happened to Ruth.

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