Boise is southwest of Helena.
451 miles.
It is 257.16 miles according to MapQuest.
The driving distance from Billings, Montana to Boise, Idaho is 620 miles via I-84 W per MapQuest. The driving time per MapQuest is 9 hours and 3 minutes.
It is 1,038 miles according to Google Maps.
The road mileage is a little over 600 miles.
It is 366 miles according to Google Maps.
It is 638.39 miles according to MapQuest.
The driving mileage between Boise, ID and Twin Falls, ID is 129 miles and takes approximately 2 hours and 10 minutes.
Some of the newspapers in Boise, Idaho include the Idaho Statesman, Boise Weekly, and the Idaho Press.
It is 443 miles according to Google Maps.
Yes, Boise is the capital of Idaho.