Concentration is often a unitless number: a pure ratio.
A centilitre of a pop concentrate in 1 litre of water is a 1:100 concentration. It could equally be described as 1 litre in 1 hectolitre, or even 1 gallon in 100 gallons!
The metric unit is a millilitre. The metric unit is a millilitre. The metric unit is a millilitre. The metric unit is a millilitre.
Metric unit is easy. Costomary unit is an advanced unit
A litre is a metric unit. A quart is two pints - an imperial unit.
An inch.
you divide the smaller # into the bigger #----
The metric unit is a millilitre. The metric unit is a millilitre. The metric unit is a millilitre. The metric unit is a millilitre.
I not a metric unit of anything! A litre is one metric unit for volume.
A metric unit is a decimal unit of measurement of the metric system, based on meters and kilograms and seconds.
What is the metric unit of a orange? What is the metric unit of a pencil? What iw the customary unit amount of water a bathtub will hold?
Metric unit is easy. Costomary unit is an advanced unit
yes a liter is a metric unit
A mm is a metric unit.
metric unit of time is called a second.
No. The closest metric unit is the meter.
Celsius is the metric unit. Kelvin is the International System(SI) unit.
A liter is the metric unit of volume