Plastic Surgeon
Plastic Surgeon
Not very clear what the question is. Please rephrase the question to get a proper answer
"A nose surgeon is a plastic surgeon, but a plastic surgeon isn't necessarily a nose surgeon. WebMD is a great resource for all things medical. Using this site will give you information about plastic surgery, helping to determine if it is right for you."
A plastic surgeon makes about $312,000 year.
Plastic surgeon earns more than cardiac surgeon.
Plastic surgeon
A Mormon plastic surgeon of course.
Fat transfer or Brazilian butt lift $$$$$$
A surgeon However there are many different type of surgeons, e.g., neurosurgeon, plastic or reconstructive surgeon, cardiac surgeon, and many more from where that came from.
A pediatric plastic surgeon is a surgeon who only specializes in surgery of children, a pediatric plastic surgeon does craniofacial surgery, hand surgery, etc. most pediatric plastic surgeons work in a children hospital
I can't figure out what this question is supposed to mean. There is apparently a plastic surgeon by that name in New York, and as far as I can tell he is a valid, board certified, plastic surgeon.