of Crook, Characterized by a crook or curve; not straight; turning; bent; twisted; deformed., Not straightforward; deviating from rectitude; distorted from the right., False; dishonest; fraudulent; as, crooked dealings.
Pseudesthesia is the medical term meaning false sensation.
A false limb is a prosthetic limb.
The Prefix means False
All vowels are used in medical terms e.g. uvula tonsillitis pectoriloquy
In Karl Popper's terminology there must be a way to prove a hypothesis false. That is what it means when scientists say that a specific hypothesis is a "testable hypothesis".
There is a test for ANA, meaning anti-nuclear antibodies. This is used to detect immune system disorders. ANA is not, itself, a medical problem. As with any medical test, the results can be in error (false positive or false negative) and should be interpreted in the context of other tests and the clinical presentation.
Rib pairs 8, 9 and 10 are known as false ribs.
Dictionary meaning's are all true they are not false.