Derma or dermal may be the word you are looking for.
The scientific name for skin is Epidermis
Epidermis is outer skin, Dermal is the adjective(Like thermal for heat) and integument is sometimes a catch-all term for skin. sharks have what is called dermal vision, they can visualize the shape of undersea obstacles through their skin(like pressure waveson their outer skin.) so there it is.
The scientific name is the dermis, the part you can see is called the epidermis.
"Cutaneous" is the medical term that means pertaining to the surface of the skin.
The medical term for any swelling is called a lump
Dermatologis means pertaining to dermatology, treatment of the skin.
Epidermal means pertaining to upon the surface of the skin.
Axillary is the medical term meaning pertaining to the liver.
Chiral or manual is the medical term meaning pertaining to the hand.
The medical term for pertaining to between the teeth is interdental.
Fetal is the medical term meaning pertaining to a fetus.
Sacroiliac is the medical term meaning pertaining to the sacrum and ilium.
Systemic or systematic means pertaining to systems.