The "itch mite" is the parasite that causes the condition called "scabies".
The medical term for infestation with the itch mite is scabies. It is a contagious skin condition caused by the microscopic mite Sarcoptes scabiei, which burrows into the skin and causes an itchy rash. Treatment typically involves topical medications to kill the mites.
The medical term for a contagious parasitic infection with intense pruritus is scabies. It is caused by the Sarcoptes scabiei mite, which burrows into the skin and causes itching and rash. Prompt treatment with medications prescribed by a healthcare provider is necessary to eliminate the infestation.
You can find information about the red spider mite infestation in Missouri by contacting the Missouri Department of Agriculture or visiting their website for updates and resources.
I might go to the beach if the weather is nice. I found a tiny mite crawling on my arm.
PediculosispediculosisThe CDC (Center for Disease Control) states that Pediculosis Capitis-aka head lice- does not cause any known disease or medical condition. The body lice are the only infestations that can carry disease.
Mite infestation, also known as scabies, can be treated by applying a cream made of permethrin. The cream is to be applied and left on for 8 to 14 hours. A second treatment is often required.
The medical term for the occupation and dwelling of parasites on the external skin surface is "ectoparasitism". Ectoparasites are organisms that live on the surface of a host's body, such as fleas, lice, and ticks.
Cannot locate any medical usage for 'dragon'.However, there is a medical term called 'dracontiasis' which is a variation of the word 'dracunculiasis'which is an infestation disease caused by the guinea worm that has been eradicated in many regions but not in Africa; also called guinea worm disease.
Canaries intend to molt around the body and they pluck their feathers but if you start to hear him/her making a funny sound it might be a Mite inestation and he is puffy all the time, take him/her to the vet.