Infranasal means pertaining to under the nose. The little infranasal dimple above your lip is the philtrum.
Pathogenesis is the medical term meaning process that initiates a disease.
Blocked nose
Hansen's Disease is the medical term. But a more common term is Leprosy.
Otorhinolaryngology is the medical term for the study of the ears, nose, and throat. It is often referred to as ENT, which stands for Ear, Nose, and Throat.
Dermatomycosis is the medical term meaning fungal disease of the skin.
Nasolacrimal is the medical term meaning pertaining to the nose and tear ducts.
Epistaxis is the medical term meaning nose blood.
Gonadopathy is a medical term for disease of the sex glands.Gonadopathy is disease of the sex glands.
Myopathy is the medical term meaning disease of the muscle. my/o- muscle; pathy-disease
Cardiopathy is the general term meaning any disease of the heart.
Neuroarthropathy is the medical term meaning any disease of nerve and joint.
Immunize is the medical term meaning to make resistant to an infectious disease using agents related to the immune system. Prophylax is the medical term meaning giving medication or treatment to prevent disease.