The joints at the base of the fingers are called metacarpal phalangeal joints (MPJ's) and form knuckles when you make a fist. These are elliposoidal joints. The ones that are in the fingers themselves are called interphalangeal joints. The thumb only has one called a proximal interphalangeal joint (PIP) and the other four fingers each have two. The first one is called the proximal interphalangeal joint (PIP)and the last one is the distal interphalangeal joint (DIP. These are all hinge joints.
Arachnodactyly is the medical term meaning long fingers.
Digital clubbing, also known as Hippocratic fingers or Hippocratic nails, is a medical condition where the fingers and toes become enlarged and the nails curved and shiny. It is often associated with underlying medical conditions such as lung disease or heart disease.
Finger abduction is the medical term meaning spreading the fingers apart.
Agnosia is the medical term meaning the condition of not understanding.
The medical term "digits" can refer to fingers or to toes.
Greed is not a medical condition, therefore there is no medical term for it.
the crease in the palm closest to the fingers and the middle bone of the fingers
Hypothermia is the medical term meaning condition of deficient body temperature.
Pyoderma is the medical term meaning any purulent skin condition.
Brachydactyly is the medical term meaning abnormally short fingers or toes.
The medical term is perspiration. Excessive sweating is hyperhidrosis.
"Green fingers" is a saying that refers to someone who is good at gardening. It is not a scientific term or medical condition, but rather a colloquial way to describe someone with a talent for gardening and plant care.