Ocular is the medical term meaning pertaining to vision. For instance, the extraocular movements (abbreviated EOMs) are the muscle movements that the examiner checks when they ask you to follow their finger while you keep your head still.
Hemianopsia is the medical term meaning loss of half of the visual field.
Oculus dexter, abberviated OD, is the traditional medical term meaning right eye.
The lateral canthus is the medical term for the outside corner of the eye.
The medical term is "ophthalmoscope." It is a tool used by healthcare professionals to examine the interior structures of the eye, such as the retina and optic nerve.
urethral meatus
Conjunctival is the medical term meaning pertaining to the conjunctiva.
Venectomy or phlebectomy is the medical term meaning surgical removal of a vein. -ectomy is the combining form meaning surgical removal.
It is called the SclerascleraSclera
optic disc