Encephalopathy: encephal/o means brain, -pathy means disease condition.
The general category for the degenerative diseases of the brain is known as "dementia". Alzheimer's Disease account for about two thirds of all dementias. There is also vascular dementia, dementia due to Parkinson's Disease, normal pressure hydrocephalus, Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease, and many others.
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What does code610 mean in medical terms
In medical terms, stool means feces.
Occult means hidden in medical terms.
Progressive medical terms means it will get worse.
In medical terms, "sinister" means left.
Inspiration in medical terms means inhaling.
Fe in medical terms usually refers to iron.
In medical terms, iii means three.
In medical terms, trig stands for triglycerides.Trig in medical terms stands for triglycerides.
Gross in medical terms means visible with the naked eye.
Traumatic Brain InjuryTraumatic Brain Injury
Medical word definition physiology