A visual examination of the interior of a joint is arthroscopy.
-scopy means to see or visual examination, as in otoscopy (visual examination of the ear) or arthroscopy (visual exam of the interior of a joint).-scopy is the combining form meaning visual examination.
endoscopyEndoscopyThe visual examination of the interior of a body cavity [or any non-animant cavity] is called "Endoscopy."It is called endoscopyThe visual examination of the interior of a body cavity [or any non-animant cavity] is called "Endoscopy."Endoscopy
Examination by means of a proctoscope. Proctoscope-an instrument for visual examination of the interior of the rectum.
Knee arthroscopy is the medical term meaning visual examination of the inside of the knee joint.
Endo- means inside, and -scope means tool for visual examination. An endoscope is used for visual examination of the interior of a cavity.
No, abdominocentesis is the surgical puncture of the abdomen.
Cystoscopy is the medical term meaning visual examination of the bladder with a scope that goes through the urethra.
A visual examination without the aid of magnifying equipment is called gross. In the context of any exam, visual examination by the provider is referred to as inspection. An exam of the patient's vision is referred to as the visual acuity testing.The medical terminology combining form meaning visual examination is -oscopy.
The medical term for visual examination of a muscle is "myoscopy".
Anoscopy is the visual examination of the anal canal and lower rectum.Anoscopyits actually proctoscopy
Rhinoscopy is visual exam of the nasal passages.