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It means - word, saying, speech, discourse or thought,

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Andreane Homenick

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Q: What is the meaning of the greek word '' logos ''?
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Does word Psyche come from Greek or Latin?

No, it comes from the Greek psyche, meaning mind, and logos, meaning explanation.

Is logy the root word of trilogy?

No, the root word of "trilogy" is "tri-" meaning three, while "logy" comes from the Greek word "logos" meaning word or study. So "trilogy" is derived from two Greek roots, not just "logy."

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ornithology {Greek word meaning the a birds and logos}

What is a greek word for a system of values?

εκτιμώ (ektimo)

What is the Greek root word for logos?

The Greek root word for logos is "logos" (λόγος), which translates to "word" or "speech." It is often used in philosophy and theology to refer to the principle of reason and rationality.

What does logos mean in Greek?

Logos means the "Word".

Is the word biology a greek word?

Yes, the word "biology" is derived from the Greek words "bios" meaning life and "logos" meaning study. So, in essence, biology means the study of life.

What word means originating from the one true source?

isn't it etymology? (from Greek etymo + logos meaning "the truth of the word")

What does the Jewish word logos mean?

Logos refers to the Word of God. Clarification: The word 'logos' is not Jewish, it is Greek in origin.

What are some greek and latin words with the root logo?

The greek definition of logo is logos meaning word ,a unit of speech

What does the word psychology comes from the greek for?

The word "psychology" comes from the Greek words "psyche" (meaning soul or mind) and "logos" (meaning study or knowledge), so it literally means the study of the mind or soul.

Where did the word 'logo' originate?

The English word logo (circa 1937) is a short form of logogram (circa 1840), from the Greek word logos, meaning "word" + gram, meaning "what is written".