yea in my dream
i dreamt about
a snake that i raised and i loved so dearly
and the snake started talking to me outa nowher
and was saying all these bad things like cursing me and all
giving me bad ideas, and it got to the point where it wanted to kill my dad
i then opened the front door and told the snake to get out
and i cried so much wen it left
that was in ma dream
Snakes symbolize many different things in different contexts, and snake symbols actually can contradict each other. Sometimes a snake represents regeneration, eternal life and the practice of medicine. At other times it can suggest betrayal, lying or suspicious behavior. So the meaning of your specific dream depends on the emotions you experienced in the dream as well as on what is happening in the dream. The bigger that you feel the problem or situation is, the bigger the snake appears in your dream.
The meaning of any dream about a snake or snakes is specific to the individual dreamer and to that dreamer's feelings about snakes. It might reflect the belief that snakes represent evil, but it could just as easily relate to snakes as symbols of healing and regeneration.
Another view:
Dreams are meaningless - they're simply random images formed by the brain while it's repairing itself as you sleep.
See a psychologist.
In this particular dream, the snake probably is a symbol for something untrustworthy or repulsive. Seeing the ex-boyfriend with the snake, it suggests that those feelings are associated with him as well.
it means you have lunatic dreams, are in a mental state, and should see a doctor.
In this dream, the snake probably represents a problem that the dreamer fears will affect the son in some way. The dog represents protection, and is the first solution tried in the dream; "can I protect my son?" The sock might represent hiding (ignoring) the problem or it might be a play on words: "can I sock this person who is troubling my son?" When the son is playing with the snake, the dream is considering whether the problem is really as dangerous as feared. This type of dream allows the dreamer to experiment with various ways of approaching a problem while in the security of sleep.
first of all this stupid thing which you have questioned does not happen. even if it happens it means YOU ARE A BIG BIG BIG FOOL stupid!
This could be a sexual dream, as it is filled with images that reflect both male and female sexuality. Generally speaking, it illustrates an attraction to behavior that is both exciting and risky, that the dreamer is hesitant to admit to one's self.
To see a snake or be bitten by one in your dream, signifies hidden fears and worries that are threatening you. Your dream may be alerting you to something in your waking life that you are not aware of or that has not yet surfaced. The snake may also be seen as phallic and thus symbolize dangerous and forbidden sexuality. The snake may also refer to a person around you who is callous, ruthless, and can't be trusted. As a positive symbol, snakes represent transformation, knowledge and wisdom. It is indicative of self-renewal and positive changes.
This dream suggests the dream is given the opportunity to choose piety, right-thinking and prosperity. Because the snake is looking at the dreamer, the emphasis seems to be on the dreamer's choice between knowledge (with righteousness) and ignorance (with sinfulness.) See the attached link for further information.
The dream suggests the dreamer feels immune or protected from some undefined threat.
This dream has too many possibilities to suggest a single interpretation. The tone and feeling of the dream - peaceful, funny, threatening - are vital to determining meaning. Either the snake or the dog might be threatening or friendly. They might be threatening to each other OR to the dreamer. The colors of the snake and dog might be significant or irrelevant.
What does it mean if see a horse with the end of a dream with red lights
To see a snake or being bitten by a snake in your dream signifies hidden fears and worries that are threatening you. The snake may also refer to a person around you that can't be trusted. To see the skin of a snake in your dream represents protection from illness. To see a snake with a head at each end of it's body indicates that you are being pulled in two different directions. Maybe by friends? Dreams about snakes can have different and contradictory meanings depending on the context and the emotional tone of each dream. Interpretation can be confusing because snakes have so many symbolic meanings: rejuvenation or reincarnation, treachery and betrayal, cunning evil in disguise, or healing and the medical professions. Look for additional factors in the specific dream that might provide clues as to the meaning of the snakes.