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of Paradox

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Nedra O'Kon

Lvl 10
3y ago
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10y ago

It is a contradictory statement that comes to the oposite conclusion (true if the first statement appears to be false) based on the same data. An example: World War 2 led to great pain and suffering - paradoxically it led to many modern innovations and health improvements.

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Paradoxically, because illegal immigrants help many corporations. See related questions.

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No. Paradoxically, Mexico's tea consumption has skyrocketed, to over 20% annually over the last few years.

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Paradoxically, it is considered almost extint in Mexico; nowadays, most populations of Mexican wolf (Canis lupus baileyi) are located in Canada and Alaska.

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The Secretary of State for Education in ENGLAND is Michael Gove. Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have their own systems. Paradoxically, Michael Gove is Scottish.

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No, not at all. We should probably be making a lot more use of it than we are, because it is rather paradoxically a kind of "green" energy, in the sense that it is minimally polluting.

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He belongs to the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), a center-right party which paradoxically, lacks any political platform. People from differing social strata supports him.

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Main sequence WIMP burners look much like protostars link the paradoxically young OB stars found at the galactic centre with WIMP burners.