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It means that they are very offensive.

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Q: What is the meaning of crude if some is crude?
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What is a sentence using crude?

That is crude humor meaning violent, harsh, wrong or other things

What is the meaning of Brent oil?

Brent crude oil is a "benchmark crude" oil agreed upon by various suppliers and traders of crude oil. Other crude oils are often priced based on the agreed upon benchmark crude which has a particular set of properties.

What could replace crude without changing the meaning he lived in a crude cabin and had to hunt inthe forest for food?


What is the meaning of refinery of crude oil?

A crude oil refinery is a factory. The factory takes the crude oil, and turns it into useful products, like gasoline.

Why does Australia import crude oil from foreign countries?

Because Australian crude is not suitable for some of the products that come from crude oil.

What is dead crude?

Crude oil comes from the reservoir as live crude, containing methane and other lower carbon compounds that are liberated as the pressure is reduced (in the reservoir, in the well, in the separator or storage battery) and the crude is allowed to cool. Dead crude is degassed crude meaning no more gas is likely to be liberated. The volumetric measurement of crude is normally done at "standard conditions" of atmospheric pressure and 60 degrees F, although standards vary.

How can you use the word crude in a sentence?

"It was a crudely drawn picture of a horse"

What is meaning of SK value in transformer oil?

It shows the Purification during the filtration of crude oil.

What chemicals are some fibers made from?

Crude Oil.

Are plastics made from crude oil sustainable?

some are

Why crude oil is bad?

Crude oil is considered bad for several reasons: It is a non-renewable resource, meaning it will eventually run out. Its extraction and consumption contribute to air and water pollution. The burning of crude oil releases greenhouse gases that contribute to climate change.

Does crude oil have a low viscosity fraction?

Yes, crude oil contains various fractions with different viscosities. Some fractions, such as light crude oil, have low viscosity, while others, such as heavy crude oil, have high viscosity. The viscosity of crude oil can affect its flow characteristics and processing requirements.