which bank it belongs to
The routing number for Axis Bank is 021000021 if you have any remittance IN DOLLARS, for other currencies pls visit http://www.axisbank.com/nri/remittances/partnerbanks/Partner-Banks.asp
ABA (American Banker's Association) is the banks routing number. It's the address to the bank. DDA (Demand Deposit Account) is your account number at the bank. It's the address to your account.
Canada uses Institution numbers, not routing numbers. RBC's institution number is 003 For US transactions that require routing numbers, RBC reps provide 021000021. This is a JPMorgan routing number as RBC wires go through JPMorgan. However there are 2 other routing numbers which are attributed to RBC: 026004093 in New York and 066010694 in Miami. How and when these are appropriate routing numbers to use appears to be a mystery. Update: Although RBC does not seem to endorse this, it is necessary to use routing number 026004093 to receive US dollar ACH transfers from Amazon or PayPal. If you try to use 021000021 (routing number provided by RBC), PayPal and Amazon will identify it as a Canadian bank, and they do not support US dollar transfers to Canadian banks (they will want to exchange to Canadian first). If you use 026004093, it seems they see it as a US-based US dollar account, and it works fine.
which bank it belongs to
The routing # is 021000021
there is no town or city that is on rout 021000021
JPMorgan Chase Bank 55 Water Street New York, NY 10005
BPI's routing number is 021000021... you can verify it by calling 89100. For PayPal transactions, the routing number would be 010040018. The SWIFT code is BOPIPHMM
It belongs to Chase and applies to accounts opened in downstate New York.