Kodiak Alaska is at latitude=57.79435 and longitude=-152.395159
Go to maps.Yahoo.com and enter Kodiak, AK in the form. When the map appears, note the URL, it contans the latitude and longitude.
Lat longs of Kodiak in Alaska : 57.79443,-152.39529
latitude : 57.79443
longitude : -152.39529
(Values are in decimal degrees)
Fairbanks AP (S) 64° 49' N 147° 52' W http://www.bcca.org/misc/qiblih/latlong_us.html#ALASKA
Seward, Alaska is located at approximately 60.1042Β° N latitude and 149.4422Β° W longitude.
The city located at 61Β° N latitude and 135Β° W longitude is Fairbanks, Alaska. These coordinates pinpoint the city's precise location on the globe, with the latitude indicating how far north it is from the equator and the longitude showing how far west it is from the Prime Meridian. Fairbanks is known for its cold winters, beautiful natural landscapes, and unique cultural attractions.
Latitude at Fairbanks . . . about 64.83 degrees north. Latitude at Oslo . . . about 59.91 degrees north. So Fairbanks is further north than Oslo by about 4.92 degrees, or roughly 340 miles closer to the north pole.
Sounds like Fairbanks, AK
When was Fairbanks,Alaska discovered
The 55th latitude and 55th longitude meet at the intersection point in the Pacific Ocean near the Alaska Peninsula, southwest of Alaska. This intersection represents the coordinates where the latitude and longitude lines cross each other.
Fairbank is in Iowa. Fairbanks is in Alaska.
The European city that shares the same latitude as Anchorage, Alaska is Zurich, Switzerland. However, no European city shares the exact same longitude as Anchorage.
The latitude of Alaska ranges from approximately 51Β° to 71Β° N, and the longitude is around 130Β° to 172Β° W.
University of Alaska, Anchorage. University of Alaska, Fairbanks. University of Alaska, Southeast. Alaska Pacific University.
There are 39 states that are partially defined by longitude and latitude.