12-15 years
The Yorkshire Terrier (also known as a Yorkie) is a small dog breed of the terrier breed. The breed has a maximum size of 7 pounds. Its coat is black, grey and tan. The life span of a Yorkie Terrier is between 13 and 16 years.
Oh yeah they do!! Izzy is the love of my life!! They cuddle all right!~
The life of the engine unless the engine overheats.
The expected battery life for this laptop is about 4 hours.
males are usually £400-£500 if they are pedigree and females are £500-£600. although if you are lucky you might get one for free. my male yorkie cost £450
Life expectancy can be defined the range of time that is expected to stay in life. In most cases, when life expectancy is referring to the average range of time. That is a citizen is expected to live in life. It is considered as one of the indicators of a level of development.
the useful life of an asset is the period over which an asset is expected to be available for use by an entity whiles economic life is the period over which an asset is expected to be useable by one or users
yes it is a good pet to have. Also for if u hav bad lungs because its sheds very little fur. plz comment on my page
In order to charge depreciation, we must know the expected life of the Asset. So in the case of Land, we cannot calculate the expected life of the land.
2 years for any dog is equivalent to between the age of 20 and 25 for a human. A Yorkie has a longer life expectancy, so they would fall at the higher end of this bracket, or maybe slightly above it.
they pray...ALOT