i have a morkie and she weighs about 5 at the most
A morkie is a designer dog breed mix of a yorshire terrier and a malteese
The Morkie dog breed is a half Maltese and half Yorkshire Terrier. The Morkie is a very tiny dog and only gets to be three to fifteen pounds. The color would vary, depending on the parents.
yes very quiet
Smaller dogs
Yorkshire Terrier + Maltese = Morkie
Normal dog life is 10 years, average life expectancy 13.3 years for beagles or any dog over 50 pounds, this is the information I found from the internet. I do not have a dog, so not sure this is correct.
A golden retriever's life expectancy is said to be 10-12 years. The length of time a dog lives however depends on how well it was taken care of and if they dog has come in contact with any diseases.
Their life expectancy is around 10-14 years.
Morkie is not a term to identify a breed, it is used only to show that the dog comes from a mixture of two breeds - Yorkie and Maltese, which both are names of breeds.
The average life expectancy of a large breed dog is typically 10-12 years. However, factors such as genetics, diet, exercise, and overall health can influence a dog's lifespan. Regular veterinary care and a healthy lifestyle can help maximize a dog's longevity.