Moscow is located at 55.05 degrees N latitude and 38.50 E longitude.
The latitude of Moscow, Russia is approximately 55.7558° N, and the longitude is around 37.6176° E.
Moscow, Russia Latitude : 56 45 N Longitude : 37 36 E latitude and longitude of Moscow : 55.75578,37.615149 latitude : 55.75578 longitude : 37.615149 (Values are in decimal degrees)
Moscow is located at 55.05 degrees N latitude and 38.50 E longitude.
Latitude = 55.75º N (55º45'0" N) Longitude = 37.61º E (37º36'36" E)
That's near Moscow.
That's near Moscow.
Moscow is in Moskovskaya Oblast in western European Russia. Moscow is located at 55.05 degrees N latitude and 38.50 E longitude.
Moscow is the major city located at 56 N latitude and 38 E longitude.
Location of Moscow, Russia (Latitude: 55° 45' 8 N, Longitude: 37° 36' 56 E)
No, Moscow is located at approximately 55 degrees north latitude and 37 degrees east longitude.
No. Moscow is the capital of the Russian Federation and is located in European Russia at 55.05 degrees N latitude and 38.50 E longitude.