Kenya is located approximately between latitudes 5°N and 5°S, and longitudes 34°E and 42°E. The capital city, Nairobi, is situated at a latitude of 1.2921° S and a longitude of 36.8219° E.
The latitude and longitude of Anmer, Kenya is approximately 0.2801Β° S, 36.0156Β° E.
The city located at 1 degree S Latitude and 36 degrees E Longitude is Nairobi, the capital city of Kenya.
The country located at 0 degrees latitude and 40 degrees longitude is Kenya.
The latitude for Nairobi, Kenya, East Africa, is 1°17'0" South. Its longitude is 36°49'0" East.
No country is. A set of latitude/longitude coordinates describes a single point, so it's not possible for an entire country to be right there. That point is in central Kenya, about 175 miles northeast of Nairobi. There are also trillions of other points in Kenya, each with different latitude and longitude. There's no such thing as the latitude and longitude of a whole country.
Kenya is the capital and largest city in Nairobi, Africa. Kenya's latitude and Longitude are 1. 2667 degrees South and 36,8000 degrees East.
The latitude and longitude of Anmer, Kenya is approximately 0.2801Β° S, 36.0156Β° E.
Nairobi, Kenya
Isiolo County, Kenya, Africa.
The city located at 1 degree S Latitude and 36 degrees E Longitude is Nairobi, the capital city of Kenya.
The country located at 0 degrees latitude and 40 degrees longitude is Kenya.
Nairobi, Kenya
The latitude for Nairobi, Kenya, East Africa, is 1°17'0" South. Its longitude is 36°49'0" East.
No country is. A set of latitude/longitude coordinates describes a single point, so it's not possible for an entire country to be right there. That point is in central Kenya, about 175 miles northeast of Nairobi. There are also trillions of other points in Kenya, each with different latitude and longitude. There's no such thing as the latitude and longitude of a whole country.