Upper Klamath Lake- approx. 30 miles long and up to 8 miles wide, about 65 square miles, it it the largest body of freshwater west of the Rocky Mtns. Crater Lake is the deepest. At 1943 feet, it is the deepest lake in the U.S and the 7th deepest in the world.
The major bodies of water in Oregon include:
major bodies of water or rivers in poland
major bodies of water in utah
major bodies of water
There are many major bodies of water and one is Brunei bay.
Oceans, rivers, and lakes are three major bodies of water.
There are no major bodies of water in central African republic.
major bodies of water in vermont
what is the meaning of major landmasses and bodies of water
whats Californias major rivers and bodies of water
what are the major bodies of water are in this state