Other words for a group on insects are: * mass * hive * nest * colony
The mass of insects, paper clips.
An ootheca s a type of egg mass made by any member of a variety of species (usually insects or mollusks).
No, a mass noun is an uncountable noun; a word for something that can't be counted, such things as concepts (knowledge) and substances (steel).A count noun is a noun that can be counted. A count noun has a singular form (a word for one person, place, or thing) and a plural form (a word for two or more people, places, or things).The noun insects is the plural form for the singular noun, insect. The noun insect is a count noun.
Some predators eat insects. A predator can be defined as any organism that eats other organisms, and as such even cows can be considered predators (of plants). Insects make up the most mass of any group of animals, and as such they are very common prey for a huge diversity of predators--including many other insects and of course spiders. Of the thousands of species of songbirds I would estimate that about half of them eat insects alone. Mammals that eat insects are fewer in number, and are mostly smaller species, such as bats and shrews. Insects make up the majority of the diet of most amphibians, and there are also many snakes and lizards that mostly eat insects, as well.
Weight or mass is typically measured in grams. Grams are a unit of measurement in the metric system used to quantify the amount of matter in an object.
Insects have six legs
The mass is equal to the weight (both in grams) but different insects vary greatly in weight depending on species and age. Some weigh a tiny fraction of a gram, while very large bugs can weigh 10 grams or more.
Insects and Lobsters
carnivore insects are insects that eat animals
Some insects will. Insects are so varied that some insects will eat anything.