The highest place value in a decimal number is the left most digit, also the first digit.
The highest place value in the decimal system is the aleph null'th place. It should be noted that aleph null is an infinite number (in fact, it is the smallest infinity possible) and represents the cardinality of the natural number set. In other words, there is no finite number which is the highest place value in the decimal system. (The Aleph character breaks's WYSIWYG editor. The Aleph null character looks like: 0א except that the 0 is on the other side of the aleph character )
A single digit in a number can have a decimal place value: a whole number cannot.
9 in the decimal system
The whole number is 5 and .267 is the decimal place value to three decimal places
The answer depends on A. If it is a number in which the place value of each digit is ten times the place value of the digit to its right then the number is the decimal.
what the answer the number 7,442 to the highest place value
The highest place value in the decimal system is the aleph null'th place. It should be noted that aleph null is an infinite number (in fact, it is the smallest infinity possible) and represents the cardinality of the natural number set. In other words, there is no finite number which is the highest place value in the decimal system. (The Aleph character breaks's WYSIWYG editor. The Aleph null character looks like: 0א except that the 0 is on the other side of the aleph character )
The largest place value is the tenths place. The smallest is, well, infinite.
A single digit in a number can have a decimal place value: a whole number cannot.
the place value after a decimal point is tenths
9 in the decimal system
The whole number is 5 and .267 is the decimal place value to three decimal places
The answer depends on A. If it is a number in which the place value of each digit is ten times the place value of the digit to its right then the number is the decimal.
A decimal number is simply a representation of a number such that the place value of each digit is ten times the place value of the digit to its right. It gives no information as to the location of the decimal point and so the number of decimal places.
3.15 is the highest number. The highest decimal part of any of them is the 0.95 part of the 2.95 number.
A single digit in a number can have a place value. A number with several digits cannot.
A single digit in a number can have a place value. A number with several digits cannot.