Kim Ung Yong has an IQ of 210.
The Highest Iq ever scored was a 228 by Mary Savil, Dr. Jarvik's Wife. The highest estimated IQ was William James Sidis, who was estimated to have an IQ of 250-300. Most people do not count IQ scores of people under 18, since it is not accurate-A few people had IQ scores at 500 at the age of 3. Since I am 13 years old, my IQ doesn't count, but I have an IQ of 289.
The average score on an IQ test is about 100. If you score higher than that, your score will be above average.
the highest score 96,325 for an IQ
There is no number limit on how high an IQ score can be.Marilyn vos Savant is listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as having the highest IQ score in the world, 228.
There is no maximum score, but the tests aren't very accurate above an IQ of around 140.
Kim Ung Yong has an IQ of 210.
Marilyn vos Savant has the highest known IQ score of over 9,000.. .0 - What? 9000?!
Are you kidding?! That's almost a perfect score! The highest is 144! Your IQ is higher than Aly Milchalkas IQ!
Out of actual verified IQ scores (as in, people who've actually taken the test), Korean physicist/engineer Kim Ung-yong has the highest score at 210. However, we can healthily assume that had some equivalent of an IQ test existed in history, that great thinkers such as Socrates, da Vinci, Isaac Newton, and so forth would have score up there. Marilyn vos Savant has a IQ of 230. She has the highest recognised IQ score.
Stephen Hawking is said to have the highest IQ at 209. Although, he says that only losers brag about their IQ, and he's a genius so I'd take his opinion under advisement ;)
I got 4,597,000, but that can't possibly be the highest.
Out of actual verified IQ scores (as in, people who've actually taken the test), Korean physicist/engineer Kim Ung-yong has the highest score at 210. However, we can healthily assume that had some equivalent of an IQ test existed in history, that great thinkers such as Socrates, da Vinci, Isaac newton, and so forth would have score up there. Marilyn vos Savant has a IQ of 230. She has the highest recognised IQ score.