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In todays modern notation of Roman numerals it is LXXXIX = 89 but in ancient times it would have been LXXXXV = 95

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Q: What is the greatest Roman Numeral with six characters between 1 and 100?
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What is the greatest two-digit number that has the most number of Roman numeral symbols?

88, rather nicely uses 8 characters in Roman numerals: LXXXVIII.

What is the greatest Roman number with 6 characters between 1 and 2000?

MCMXCV = 1995

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Is xcix is the greatest two digit roman numeral number?

Yes under today's rules governing the Roman numeral system XCIX is 99 But during the Roman era the equivalent of 99 was probably IC (100-1 = 99)

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The Roman numeral representation of 88 is "LXXXVIII." It is composed of 7 characters.

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VIII, representing 8, would be the smallest in most standard Roman Numeral formats. There are some formats that will use IIII for four.

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The greatest single Roman numeral is M, 1,000. M is the letter of the beginning of the word mille: thousand in Latin.

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Converting between Arabic and Roman Numbers is done as : roman numeral number of 374 is : CCCLXXIV

What is the numeral for fiffteen?

Converting between Arabic and Roman Numbers is done as : roman numeral number for 15 is : XV