56 = 2*2*2*798 = 2*7*7
168 = 2*2*2*3*7
The common factors, for all three of these numbers are 2 and 7. The GCF is, therefore, 2*7 = 14.
The GCF of 56, 98, and 168 is 14.
HCF(56, 98, 168) = 14
The GCF is 14.
It is 14
The GCF is 14.
The GCF is 14.
The GCF is 14.
If that's 56, 98 and 168, the GCF is 14.
The GCF is 14.
14 is the GCF of 70, 98 and 168.
The GCF of 98, 154 and 168 is 14.
The GCF of 56 168 182 is 14.