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allows air to reach the thermometer so that it s temprature can be measured

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Q: What is the function of air gaps in sides in Stevenson screen?
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What is necessary AC evaporator placement for correct function?

Yes, you will want the air to blow across only the evaporator and not under or to the sides if there are any gaps, the gaps will cause the a/c to cool less and suck in alot of dirt........

A function whose graph has no gaps or breaks?


What are characteristics of a closed figure?

All sides are connected with no open gaps, sides do not intersect or cross over each other.

How many sides can a polygon have to form a regular tessellation?

At least 3 sides such as a triangle which will tessellate leaving no gaps or overlaps

What is the function of the gaps at the railway?

It depends which gaps you mean! Older track was laid in discrete sections with gaps left between them to allow for expansion on hot days. There are gaps between rails at the points which are used to connect different tracks together in turn. Is this what you mean?

Describe some of the characteristics of quadrilaterals?

4 sides No rounded areas No gaps between lines

What does a 9-sided polygon look like?

A polygon have 4 or more sides. It has no gaps between it. Regular polygons usually have six or ten sides.

How can you tell if a graph is a continuous function or a discrete function?

The graph of a continuous function will not have any 'breaks' or 'gaps' in it. You can draw it without lifting your pencil or pen. The graph of a discrete function will just be a set of lines.

What are gaps or spaces in the soil called?

Gaps or spaces in the soil are often referred to as pore spaces or soil pores. These gaps allow for the movement of air, water, and nutrients within the soil, playing a key role in supporting plant growth and ecosystem function.

What are the 6 parameters in triangle function?

A triangle has 3 closed sides A triangle has 3 interior angles that add up to 180 degrees A triangle has 3 exterior angles that add up to 360 degrees A triangle has a perimeter which is the sum of its 3 sides A triangle will tessellate leaving no gaps or over laps A triangle's 3 angles put together will form a straight line

How can I effectively close a screen door?

To effectively close a screen door, gently push it until it latches securely. Make sure to check that the door is properly aligned with the frame to prevent any gaps or drafts.

How can I put in a window screen from the inside?

To install a window screen from the inside, follow these steps: Open the window fully. Place the screen in the window frame, ensuring it fits snugly. Push the screen into the frame's grooves. Secure the screen in place by sliding the clips or tabs into position. Close the window to ensure the screen is securely in place. Remember to check for any gaps or loose areas to ensure the screen is properly installed.