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It's either rapidash or ponyta.

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Q: What is the flaming unicorn in Pokemon called?
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Why did US partake in the Persian gulf war?

Because the magical powers of the US were compromised.. This came about when the Magical flaming unicorn from the south appeared and with his horn sucked up all the powers the US have.. The US tracked the flaming unicorn by bike to the Persian Gulf where they fought for their powers back. When they found the Magical flaming unicorn. They chopped his horn off and grounded it to dust which then they put it into a special mixture with some frog legs, baby dippers, pink flippers and some spider webs. They put that into a container which they dropped from an. THUS winning the war. They restored there title back and continued to harness the power of the unicorn. And that is why the US took part in the Persian Gulf War. ~Rainbow Unicorn~

What is a unicorn's nose called?

a unicorn nose.

How do you get unicorn in Pokemon Black?

By unicorn if you mean zebstrika you can get one in the grass above mistralton city

What is a male narwhals called?

It's called a Unicorn. I kid you not.

What is a mythological animal with a horn in the middle of its head called?

A Unicorn

What is a fliing unicorn called?

A flying horse is usually called a Pegasus, but a Unicorn with wings is generally called an Alicorn!

Is there a legendary unicorn Pokemon?

Yes, it's name is John.

How get pass in ilex forest in Pokemon flaming crystal?

how to pass in ilex forest

What kind of good unicorn breeding games are there?

there is one called unicorn valley ;)

What do they call a female unicorn?

There is no specific name. Just call it a ' female unicorn'.

What is a male unicorn called?

a baby unicorn can be a filly if it is a girl and a colt if it is a boy but if just born a foal.