Osamu Tezuka, the creator of Astro Boy, is often considered the
grandfather of anime. The original Astro Boy is probably one of the
first animes ever released.
Imokawa Mukuzo holds the title of first anime, supposedly made
some time in 1917, however Astro Boy was the first official anime
to air on Japanese television.
What is the best anime serie ever made?
yu gi oh hands down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What is haikyuu?
Its a volleyball anime , of different teams that compete , to make it to nationals
Is ot okay if you make a Japanese anime in English first?
If it's made in english first it is not a japanese anime, it's
an english anime. Simple as that really, and yes it is okay to do
Is there a Death Note comic ever made?
Yes, it's what the anime was based on. It has 12 volumes.
Who made the first ever scooter?
Who made the first ever scooter
Who was the first anime artist?
The first animation in japan was made by Ōten Shimokawa in 1917.
The film was called Imokawa Mukuzo Genkanban no Maki. The first
poppular anime artist was osamu tesuka who made astro boy in
Dragonball originally started off as a manga and then it was
made into the Anime later on.
DragonBall Z followed the same footsteps - Manga first, then
Anime second.