Captain Kidd's Finish - 1922 was released on: USA: 21 January 1922
Yes, the word finish is a noun (finish, finishes) and a verb (finish, finishes, finished, finishing). The word finish is also used as an adjective.The noun 'finish' is a word for the conclusion of something; a word for the surface treatment of an object; a word for the end point of a race; a word for a thing.The noun forms of the verb to finish are finisher and the gerund, finishing.
Complete is another word for finish.
Enter the Uppercase character of the word "capTain"
Enter the Uppercase character of the word "capTain"
"cap" is the root word "tain" is the suffix.
The root word for "unfinished" is "finish."
Finish is a verb. "I have to finish my homework."
Captain James Cook's second journey began in 1772 and lasted until 1775.
The word 'captain' itself is already a noun.
The word for finish in Judo is Matte (Pronounced: Mat-ay)