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Q: What is the federal regulation that requires pharmacies to do counseling?
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What policy requires suitable remedies be imposed on all Federal contractors that fail to comply with CTIP requirements?

Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Subpart 22.17

What is federal regulation z?

Regulation Z deals with the "Truth in Lending".

Why cant the drinking age be lowered?

Because most people under 18 are still developing it would harm their bodies alot especially their brain cells if they consume alchohol at a young age.---------------------The drinking age can be lowered. A state can pass it's own regulation which supersedes the federal regulation. However, as an incentive for states to follow the federal law, if a state passes it's own regulation decreasing the drinking age its funding will be withheld by the federal government. Alternatively, the federal regulation can be amended with a new drinking age. The first requires action by your state legislature, the other requires action by the US senate.Another View: There is NO federally mandatedl drinking age. Each individual state sets its own statutory age limit for alcohol consumption.

Can I get Tramadol without prescription at online pharmacies and which pharmacy sells them?

No, you cannot. Effective August 18, 2014, Tramadol has been placed into Schedule IV of the federal Controlled Substances Act. This medication requires a prescription.

What is a FAR in aviation?

Federal Aviation Regulation

Does regulation z regulate the federal reserve?


How much does federal regulation cost each household every year?

It has been estimated that federal regulation costs each household $6000 per year.

Which document provides detail for implementation of OSH Act assigns responsibility to agency heads and requires uniform recordkeeping?

29 CFR, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 1960 provides details for implementation of OSH Act, assigns responsibility to agency heads and requires uniform recordkeeping.

How many regulations does the federal acquisition regulation have?

The federal acquisition regulation (FAR) is divided into 53 parts. However, many of these parts do not contain regulations. They are reserved for future regulations.

I have a check made out to cash of 100000 can I deposit it into a savings and will there be any tax due?

(in the us) I believe that there is a federal banking regulation that requires financial institutions to report transactions of ten thousand dollars and greater.

When a federal law or regulation takes over and precludes enforcement of a state or local law or regulation it is termed?


What term refers to cases that call into question or involve a U S constitutional principle treaty federal statute or federal rule or regulation?

Federal question jurisdiction refers to cases that call into question or involve a U.S. Constitutional principle, treaty, federal statue, or federal rule or regulation.