Most experts believe immersion is the fastest way to learn any language.
to learn through song
play it
Go to school
by watching Ni Hao Kilan
The fastest way to learn and do division is memorize your division math facts. It is easier to memorize the division facts, knowing your multiplication facts will help as well.
The best way to learn contemporary dance is to find a good local dance school. Face to face tuition is the fastest way to learn any physical discipline.
learn it when you are young or go into french immersion or move to France or practice it everyday or watch a DVD about french
The fastest way a human body can absorb liquid is through intravenous (IV) administration, where the liquid is directly injected into a vein for immediate absorption into the bloodstream.
The fastest way to memorize vocabulary words is to make a Study Deck - click on the Related Question to learn how to do that
No horses cannot mimic human speech. They can mimic human expressions however, many learn to 'wink' or look sad etc because they learn that their owners like it and will reward them in some way for it. Also horses are very visual creatures and use facial expressions to communicate with other horses.