the evil tails doll is two thing 1. a unlockable character in sonic R 2. a soul stealing evil demonic murderious doll
I think Tails Doll is awesome!
The Tails doll scared children. It may also be because people are scared of the Tails doll curse.
you need to get all the 5 tokens in radical city, than challenge tails doll,if you beat him in race, you get tails doll.
The Tails Doll was not originally meant to be creepy, or cursed. Fans created the curse and thus made the Tails Doll seem creepy.
No way shadow the hedgehog is way To awesome and the tails doll was made on dr. Eggmans lab so I think he's ok around the tails doll
Tails Doll is evil because Robotnik made him. Some people thinks Tails Doll is an evil demon, but he is not, Tails Doll is just a badnik doll made by Robotnik in Sonic R.
he is evil
just make one
The TRUE Tails Doll (character from the Videogame Sonic R) wasnt even evil. He is really just the robot equivalent of Tails (Sega must have thought that robot Sonic, Knuckles and Tails would be a stretch for some reason) but anyway the Tails doll is'NT really a possesed toy bent on killing us all and stealing our souls. There are many accounts of proof stating the Tails Doll isn't real. However several people find this idea a goldmine for creativity in the horror section. Thus several fan-made stories are created.The Tails Doll that is rumored to exist in reality also was'NT evil. As additional proof against it before many myths of the doll talking and communicating to people it was originally stated that the Tails Doll wasnt so much as evil as a viod that was hungury for souls; this however was soon bent out of context and the myth became an invincible serial killer that is probably being used right now to scare a 7 year old right now the tails doll was anonced as a evil doll by is scary look but some people know the truth about this doll but still im *!@#$ scared of it oh &*$#$ i souldent of said that It creeps me out but i know its not real but i like the pictures on Google of him when hes not evil even though he isn't and i love tails too cos hes cute Octopus324 says: I'm not sure what I should think about the tails doll. I don't think he's cute and cuddly (especially since he was made by Eggman) but I know he isn't evil either.
tails dossent have a girlfriend. NOBODY CARES ABOUT TAILS DOLL!!!!!
They wanted Tails to have a robot twin since Sonic and Knuckles did, but they didn't want to be too repetitive. So they made a stuffed animal Tails with robot parts. Unfortunately, it backfired because now everyone thinks Tails Doll is an evil murderer with dark powers, and he is NOT!
I think Tails Doll is awesome!
There is no female Tails. Therefore, there can't be a female Tails Doll.
The Tails Doll is a character from Sonic R which is a doll version of Tails. It was built by Dr. Robotnik.
I've heard that if you hold a Sonic doll in front of Tails Doll's face, he will get scared and leave. The Tails Doll is afraid of Sonic!
according to the rumor of the curse, if you go into a dark room with a mirror and play can you feel the sunshine backwards the tails doll comes out of the mirror and murders you. This is an educated guess, but I think Tails Doll is scared of Sonic because if you hold up a sonic doll to tails doll then tails doll gets scared and leaves.
tails doll kills you and takes your soul