Antarctica has the lowest elevation above sea level among the continents.
The elevation of Midland, Texas is around 2,800 feet above sea level.
Walterboro, SC has an elevation of approximately 66 feet above sea level.
Waterbury, Connecticut has an elevation of approximately 233 feet above sea level.
Madison, WI has an average elevation of about 863 feet above sea level.
3672 feet above sea level
Amarillo, Texas is 3,605 feet (1,099 meters) above sea level
Amarillo, Texas is 3,605 feet (1,099 meters) above sea level
Amarillo, Texas has an average elevation of around 3,605 feet (1,099 meters) above sea level.
Not even close at 299 feet. For example Amarillo has an elevation of 3,605 feet above sea level.
The height above or below sea level is "elevation". Altitude is used only for distance above sea level.
The elevation of a place above sea level
Frisco's elevation is 9,075 feet above sea level.
3672 feet above sea level
The elevation or height above sea level is called altitude.
The elevation above sea level in Bakersfield, California is approximately 404 feet.
Antarctica has the lowest elevation above sea level among the continents.