Strip mining is used to recover valuable ores and coal which are located at or slightly below the surface. The overburden (soil, gravel, rock, or other material) covering the deposit is removed to allow for access to the desired material. Once the material is removed, the land is reclaimed by replacing the overburden, and replanting native vegetation.
Strip mining can lead to habitat destruction, water pollution, and soil erosion. It can also disrupt local ecosystems and wildlife populations, causing long-lasting environmental damage. Additionally, it can result in the displacement of communities and negatively impact air quality due to dust and pollutants being released into the air.
please answer my question sincerely, me me & me
Strip mining is the most common method.
Strip, surface or open cast mining.
Reserves (not stupid strip mining)
This process is called soil erosion. It occurs when soil or rock is removed from its original location through activities like strip-mining, dredging, or construction, leading to a disruption in the composition of the soil.
please answer my question sincerely, me me & me
it destroys our natural mountains. And it also is ugly.
Strip Mining is the practice of mining a seam of mineral, by first removing a long strip of overlying soil and rock.
The types of mining are shaft mining, strip mining, surface mining, and subsurface mining.
The types of mining are shaft mining, strip mining, surface mining, and subsurface mining.
Strip mining involves removing the surface layer of earth to extract valuable minerals or resources. An example sentence could be: "The company plans to use strip mining to extract coal from the open pit mine."
list the nono-renewable resources impacted in strip mining
Strip mining is the most effective way?
Strip Mining.
Strip mining, Open pit mining and Mountaintop removal mining
The three types of mining -strip mining,open pit mining,and shaft mining
The three types of mining -strip mining,open pit mining,and shaft mining