475 miles
82 miles taking this route:Follow I-95 SOUTH, from Baltimore, to VA-619 EAST to TRIANGLE and QUANTICO at EXIT 150A.Take VA-619 EAST to QUANTICO.
2 hrs 13mins
The driving distance is 30 miles.
MCAS Quantico or Dulles International Airport.
53 miles taking this route: # Take I-95 SOUTH from Quantico to ROUTE 3 EAST to FREDERICKSBURG at EXIT 130A. # Take ROUTE 3 EAST to ROUTE 206 in Arnolds Corner. Turn left onto ROUTE 206 EAST. # Take ROUTE 206 EAST to Dahlgren.
driving distance from Raleigh nc to richmand VA
The distance between the above mentioned places is 27 miles approximately. The distance is straight path from one place to another place. There might be slight difference between the actual distance and the above mentioned distance because of the route chosen.
The driving distance is about 930km
The shortest driving distance is 55.3 miles.
The driving distance from Austin, TX to Williamsburg, VA is 1,520 miles.
The driving distance from Richmond, VA to Lancaster, PA is 230 miles.