snakes, birds, lizards snakes, birds, lizards snakes, birds, lizards
Snakes don't have legs whilst lizards do.
It is generally accepted that snakes evolved from lizards.
All snakes and many lizards are carnivores. Some lizards are herbivores or omnivores.
The distinguishing characteristic of homosexuality is a sexual attraction for individuals of the same gender. There is no other characteristic.
A trait is a distinguishing characteristic or quality. A trait is a distinguishing characteristic or quality.
Yep, they do, in fact its one of their distinguishing characteristics (as opposed to say, snakes).
Both snakes and lizards belong to a group of reptiles called squamates. Snakes likely evolved from a group related to monitor lizards.
Lizards are the most common reptile found in the desert followed by snakes, then tortoises and turtles.
The distinguishing characteristic of the ionosphere is that it is ionized by solar radiation.
The ionosphere's distinguishing characteristic is that it is ionized by solar radiation.
"Scoliodentosaurophobia" is a specific fear of lizards. "Herpetaphobia" is a fear of reptiles, but more accurately snakes and lizards. I love snakes but have never touched a lizard in my life.Herpetophobia is the fear of lizards and snakes.