Regina and Calgary are both cities in Canada. They are very far away from one another. There are 759 kilometers apart and it takes about 8.5 hours to drive from one city to another.
It takes approximate 6 hours 37 minutes of drive time to go from Calgary, Alberta to Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, a distance of 690 kilometers via the Trans Canada Highway.
473 miles
It takes approximate 6 hours 37 minutes of drive time to go from Calgary, Alberta to Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, a distance of 690 kilometers via the Trans Canada Highway.
About 935km / 577 miles.
The driving distance from Red Deer to Calgary, Alberta is about 142 km
It is 437.3 miles from Calgary, Alberta to Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, for an approximate drive time of 6 hours 33 minutes, via the Trans Canada Highway.
It is 690 kilometers from Calgary, Alberta, Canada to Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, Canada, for an approximate drive time of 6 hours 35 minutes, via the Trans Canada Highway.
The driving distance from Calgary, AB, Canada to Saskatoon, SK, Canada is 382.81mi / 616.07km
It is 317 kiometers according to Google Maps.
Calgary is in Alberta.
It is 180 Kilometers. That means about 1:45 min.
The air distance in kilometers from Calgary, Alberta, Canada, to Cairo, Egypt, is 10,400 kilometers. That equals 6,463 miles or 5,616 nautical miles.