The air distance from Tacoma, Washington, to Naha, Okinawa, Japan, is 5,767 miles. That equals 9,281 kilometers or 5,011 nautical miles.
The distance between Tokyo and Okinawa is 1,561 km (970 miles) or 843 nautical miles.
Naha is the capital. Kadena city. Coza, Onna, Nago, Okinawa just to name a few.
Air distance from Omaha, Nebraska, United States of America to Naha, Okinawa total 7,016. That is 11,292 kilometers. That is 6,097 nautical miles.
The air distance from Houston, Texas, to Naha, Okinawa, Japan, totals 7,650 miles. That equals 12,310 kilometers or 6,647 nautical miles.
The air distance from Springfield, Missouri, to Naha, Okinawa, Japan, is 7,329 miles. That equals 11,794 kilometers or 6,368 nautical miles.
Iwakuni =(Train)=> Hiroshima =(Airplane)=> Naha(Okinawa) =(rent a car)=>Gonowan About 7.5hours, 35000Yen(US$388) for one way
The distance from Naha, Okinawa, Japan to Taipei is approx. 400miles. Driving from Taipei to Taichung (CCK) takes one hour via the expressway.
Bobby Fenwick was born December 10, 1946, in Naha, Okinawa, Japan.
The best thing to do is go back to that country nd see them at that school or if you cant find them there JUST GIVE UP ! :) Xxx <3
The city located at 22N 144E coordinates is Naha, the capital city of Okinawa Prefecture in Japan.