The shortest distance is 172 miles across I-40 WEST.
The distance in North Carolina from Greensboro to Asheville is 158 air miles. That equals 254 kilometers or 137 nautical miles.
The total driving distance from Asheville, NC to Murphy, NC is 111 miles.
The distance between Charlotte, NC and Asheville, NC is 129 miles. It takes about 2 hours to travel to drive from one city to the next by car.
About 120 miles on I-40
The driving distance is 55.7 mi - about 1 hour 4 mins.
Traveling on I-26 E it takes at least 30 minutes to go the 25.15 miles between Pinehurst, NC and Asheville, NC.
92 miles down I-85.
The distance from Asheville, NC to Richmond, VA is approximately 350 miles by road.
There are 705 miles between Kansas City, MO, and Asheville, NC (as the bird flies).
The shortest distance is 145 miles.
The shortest driving distance is 22.7 miles across I-40.