It is 680.98 air miles from England to Spain.
The distance from Somerset, England to Torrevieja, Spain is around 2,250 km. If traveled by land, the estimated travel time is 21 hours.
1016.32 Miles Or 1635.56 Km
The air distance from PortAventura, Salou, Catalonia, Spain, to Worcester, England, is 784 miles. That equals 1,261 kilometers or 681 nautical miles.
The air distance from Madrid, Spain, to Melton Mowbray, East Midlands, England, is 864 miles. That equals 1,391 kilometers or 751 nautical miles.
The distance between Liverpool, England and Alicante Spain is approximately 1,049 miles.
Spain is not behind England. Spain is an hour ahead of England.
The air distance from Manchester, England, to Barcelona, Spain, is 862 miles. That equals 1,387 kilometers or 749 nautical miles.
The distance between the above two places is 838 miles. This is an approximate direct distance. Also this distance might change if a different route is chosen.
Because he calculated the distance between England and Asia wrong.
Spain is not significantly closer to the sun than England. The distance to the sun is measured in millions of kilometers, and the difference in distance between Spain and England is negligible in comparison. Any variation in temperature or climate between the two countries is due to other factors such as latitude, altitude, and proximity to bodies of water.
England and Spain went to war because they both wanted to change religon. Spain wanted England to be Catholic but England wanted Spain to be proestant.