The distance from Melbourne's CBD to the Gold Coast (Surfer's Paradise, which is a popular place on the Gold Coast), travelling through Sydney and up the NSW coast, is 1710km. Actual travelling time is about 21 hours, not including rest breaks, so would best be travelled over three days. Travelling the inland route, via Dubbo, is virtually the same distance and travelling time.
The flight time from Melbourne to the Gold Coast is about 2 hours and 30 minutes for a direct flight - a non direct flight will take a bit extra time for the change of flights.
The road distance from the Gold Coast to Broome is 4,294 km, travelling through Toowoomba and Cloncurry. The distance by air is 3,375 km.
The air distance from Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, to Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia, is 1,809 miles. That equals 2,911 kilometers or 1,572 nautical miles.
The distance in Australia from Perth, Western Australia, to Gold Coast, Queensland, is 2,258 air miles. That equals 3,634 kilometers or 1,962 nautical miles.
From Adelaide to Melbourne by air is a distance of 655 km, or 407 miles.
The distance by air from Melbourne to Alice Springs is 1888 km, or 1173 miles.
The distance is approximately 1,700 air miles.
The distance is approximately 7,960 air miles.
The air distance from Albury, Australia, to Melbourne, Australia, is 161 miles. That equals 259 kilometers or 140 nautical miles.
The air distance from Dallas, Texas, to Melbourne, Australia, is 8,998 miles. That equals 14,480 kilometers or 7,819 nautical miles.
The air distance from Melbourne, Australia, to Perth, Australia, is 1,695 miles. That equals 2,727 kilometers or 1,472 nautical miles.
The air distance from Melbourne, Florida, United States of America, to Melbourne, Australia, is 9,739 miles. that equals 15,674 kilometers or 8,463 nautical miles.