it is 786.4km
46.82 miles - Time: 46 mins
The distance between Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan and Watertown, South Dakota, is 1,020.4 kilometers, for an approximate drive time of 10 hours 20 minutes, via the SK-39 South.
They are Saskatoon, Regina, Prince Albert, Moose Jaw, Yorkton, Swift Current, North Battleford, Estevan, Weyburn, and Corman Park.
It is 437.3 miles from Calgary, Alberta to Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, for an approximate drive time of 6 hours 33 minutes, via the Trans Canada Highway.
About 73km
It takes approximately 2 hours 5 minutes of driving time between Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan and the Scobey Border Station on the US/Canadian border, for a distance of 178 kilometers.
The distance from Regina, Saskatchewan to Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, is 71.7 kilometers, for an approximate drive time of 49 minutes, via the Trans Canada Highway.
The city of Moose Jaw is part of Saskatchewan.
It takes approximately 5 hours 47 minutes of driving time between Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan and Portage La Prairie, Manitoba, for a distance of 555 kilometers.
the population of moose jaw is 3546
Moose Jaw was created in 1903.