The distance between Tîrgu-Mureș and Budapest is 562 km (on highway).
The flight distance from Montreal, Canada to Kiev, Ukraine is: 4,423 miles / 7,119 km
The driving distance from Budapest, Hungary to Prague, Czech Republic is 525km
307 Miles
560 miles
The flight distance from Chicago, Illinois to Budapest, Hungary is: 4,829 miles / 7,771 km
The road distance between Budapest and Bucharest is approximately 850 km or about 525 miles.
the road distance between Paris and Budapest is 1488 km. The driving time is about 13h00.
The distance between Kiev, Ukraine and Chernobyl, Ukraine is 83.015 miles or 133.6 kilometers. The average driving time is 1 hour 51 minutes.
150 miles
451 miles
1109 miles