The weather in England is often cold, cloudy, and rainy. The sunny weather and mild temperatures in Italy make it a popular tourist destination.
England time is GMT, Sicily (Italy) is GMT+1.
There is no time difference between Italy and Belgium.
You are clearly very confused. England has never been a Duchy (a territory ruled by a Duke).
Italy has more
The time difference between Manchester, UK and Naples, Italy is one hour. Naples is one hour ahead of Manchester.
The distance between Rome, Italy, and London, England is 891 miles. (1,435 km).
The miles between London, England and Rome, Italy, is 891 miles.
The difference is Italy is two hours front from Australian and Australian is two hours back from Italy
There is never a time difference between Italy and Spain.
South Africa and Italy are on the same time line so there is no difference in hours between the two.
Please rewrite your question. They are closer to what? -- Germany is closer to England. Rough distance is 1,018.5 km. Distance between England and Italy is about 1,916.0 km.
what was the major difference between the totalitarian regimes in the soviet union and thoes in italy and germany